
What are environments in a test case management system?

Environments in a test case management system are an additional entity which allows you to represent your real-life infrastructure environments and then specify which of the environment a test run should be executed in.

How to create an environment?

To create a new environment, navigate to the Project's "Environments" tab, then hit "Create new environment":

Please note that only users with the Owner and Administrator roles, as well as, those with custom roles with create/update permissions, will have the access to create Environments.

Define the new environment's properties:

  • Title: mandatory field, descriptive name of an environment which will be appearing in the test runs (i.e., Production Env)

  • Slug: mandatory field, a URL-friendly shortened version of the title (i.e., “prod”)

  • Description: optional field for extra context about the environment and what it's to be used for

  • Host: optional field, the URL address of the environment (as a reference)

Once created, your new environment can now be used as a property of a test run:

When using the API, test runs can be created with a specific environment by using the environment's slug as a parameter in the request.

For example, when creating test runs with qli, the -e flag can be used to define the environment for the new test run.

qli testops run create -p DEMO -t <token> --title "Example Test run" -e prod

Additionally, qli can also create an environment.

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