
What is "Invites" tab for?

"Invites" tab of the workspace settings allows you to invite new members and find or revoke all the invitations that have been issued but have not yet been accepted.

How to invite a new member?

To invite a new teammate, click "Invite new member" in the "Invites" tab:

It is possible to invite single users one by one, or send invitations in bulk:

Single-user invitation

For a single-user invitation, you can fill in the following parameters:

  • Email: a mandatory field, an invitation to join Qase will be delivered to the email address specified.

  • Name: an optional field, you can leave it blank for a new member to fill it in themselves after accepting the invitation.

  • Role title: a mandatory field, fill in new member's title here.

  • Role: a mandatory field, select which Qase user role this new member will inherit; a default user role will be assigned automatically unless specified otherwise.

  • Read-only: define whether a new member will be a read-only user with no editing or creating rights; this type of user is available for all types of plans in Qase.

  • Access: make sure to uncheck the box before sending an invitation, if a new member should only have a limited scope of projects to have access to - otherwise, they will automatically gain access to every project in Qase upon joining.

  • When everything is ready, click the "Invite" button in the bottom-right corner.

Bulk user invitation

For bulk user invitations, switch to the Bulk tab, and fill out the following fields:

  • Role: a mandatory field, select which Qase user role all bulk-invited new members will inherit; a default user role will be assigned automatically unless specified otherwise.

  • Email list: insert a prepared list of emails to be invited into the field; every email address should be in a separate row, a maximum of 100 invitations can be sent in bulk in one go.

  • Read-only: define whether all new bulk-invited members will be read-only users with no editing or creating rights; this type of user is available for all types of plans in Qase.

  • Access: make sure to uncheck the box before sending an invitation, if new members should only have a limited scope of projects to have access to - otherwise, they will automatically gain access to every project in Qase upon joining.

Last updated