
What is GitLab?

GitLab is a web-based DevOps lifecycle tool that provides a Git repository manager providing wiki, issue-tracking, and CI/CD pipeline features.

With Qase’s GitLab integration, you can:

  • Link Qase test cases to GitLab issues

  • Create a new issue in GitLab when you file a defect during a test run in Qase

  • Link Qase test runs to GitLab issues

  • Execute automated runs in GitLab from a Qase.


For installation, you will require GitLab URL and the Access token.

  1. First, sign-in to your GitLab account and navigate to the Preferences from the profile menu:

  1. Go to the Access tokens page:

  1. To create a new Personal Access Token, select the scope api and click on the Create Personal Access token:

  1. Copy your token to clipboard.

  2. On Qase, navigate to the Apps section, find the GitLab app and click Install now.

Here, provide the Access token from the previous step, and URL of your GitLab instance (the field is pre-populated with the default value)

Click the Install button. After a few seconds, you will be redirected to the Apps page with a confirmation message as shown below.

​Note: If you prefer to use a group token, make sure that a "Maintainer" role level is required for such a group token.


Linking from Qase to GitLab:

1. To link a GitLab to a Qase test case from Qase:

  • Select a case in the repository and switch to properties in the sidebar

  • Click "Link GitLab app issues"

  • Insert GitLab issue title into the field and hit "Link"

  • Now the issue is linked:

2. To unlink the GitLab issue, click "x" next to the card title:

3. Link Qase Test Runs to GitLab issues:

  • Navigate to the Test Runs page

  • Click on the Run

  • In the Run's main page, locate the sidebar to the right

  • Scroll down and under "External Issue" click on "Select an Integration"

  • Select "GitLab app"

  • Search for the issue's title and click on "Link"

Create a GitLab issue from a Qase Test Run

  • In the test run, mark your case as Failed, Blocked, or Invalid and proceed with creating a Defect.

  • in the Defect creation form, under “Choose Integrations” select "GitLab App" and click "Add defect"

  • Fill in the required fields, then hit "Create"

  • You can view the link to the GitLab issue in

    • Defects tag of the test run

  • From the Qase defect screen

CI/CD Workflows

  1. Create the Automated Test Run:

  1. Select the Gitlab option in the CI/CD System field:

  1. Fill in all necessary fields and click the Start a run button:

Last updated