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Groups are a way to categorize your account users by the team they belong to, responsibilities, or team lead - in other words, by any arbitrary characteristic that you deem important.
To create a new User Group, click "Groups" in the Workspace Management left-hand bar and then hit "Create a new group."
In the creation menu, give your new User Group a title and a description - both fields are mandatory.
You can add users into the group and also select the projects they have access to while setting it up. When you are ready with creating a group, hit "Create":
After creating a User Group, you will see it in the groups' list with its description and members' number. Under the three-dots menu button, you can View, Edit, or Delete a user group:
In "View," you can get more details about the members of user group, add new members to a user group, or delete those who should no longer be in it.
In "Edit," you can go back to adjusting a user group's title and description.
"Delete" removes the User Group, but it does not delete or deactivate any users that were a part of it. However, when you attempt to delete a User Group, you will be suggested to move all of its current members into a different User Group (if you have more than one). Alternatively, you can "Do Nothing" and go ahead with deletion:
After creating a user group, you can share a project wit ha group both when you create a new project and after a project has been created.
While creating a project, you will see the option to “add members from a specific group”. Once you select this option, you will see a dropdown list of the groups you’ve created. Select the one you would like to add to this project and proceed further.
To manage project sharing through groups after project creation, navigate to the project settings. Within the 'General' tab, you will find the option to share a private project with a specific group.
Make sure to click Update Settings after you are done making the changes you want for it to be saved.