
With SCIM API you can manage users in your Enterprise account. You can get the full list of users, filter by attribute, add new users, update user's attributes, activate or deactivate users and delete users completely.

User attributes

We support the following user attributes.

IDP attribute nameQase attributeDescription



User email. Mandatory field.



Attribute is used if the value is not empty. Maximum: 60 characters.


Attribute is used if the displayName attribute is not provided, name attribute is provided and 'formatted' attribute value is not empty. Maximum: 60 characters.

User type


Supported values: regular, readonly and billing.

When userType=regular, a user is upgraded to FULL license inside the Qase application. When userType is not specified, user license is updated/set according to internal Qase logic, which depends on the organization plan.



Supported value: true or false


Qase attribute namespace

'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User' is a default SCIM urn for basic fields. If your identity provider does not require defining namespace, the default namespace must be avoided.

User methods

Get users


Retrieves the list of users in your organization. Use startIndex and count query parameters to receive paginated results. Supports sorting and the filter parameter.


    "schemas": [
    "totalResults": 1,
    "itemsPerPage": 1,
    "startIndex": 1,
    "Resources": [
            "schemas": [
            "id": "1",
            "userName": "",
            "name": {
                "familyName": "John",
                "givenName": "Doe"
            "active": true,
            "userType": "regular",
            "title": "CEO",
            "emails": [
                    "value": "",
                    "primary": true
            "meta": {
                "resourceType": "User",
                "location": ""


Sorting allows you to specify the order in which resources are returned by specifying a combination of sortBy and sortOrder URL parameters. The sortBy parameter specifies the attribute whose value will be used to order the returned responses. The sortOrder parameter defines the order in which the sortBy parameter is applied. Allowed values are ascending and descending.

Filters You can request a subset of resources by specifying the filter query parameter containing a filter expression. Attribute names and attribute operators used in filters are case insensitive. The filter parameter must contain at least one valid expression. Each expression must contain an attribute name followed by an attribute operator and an optional value.

eq equal

ne not equal

co contains

sw starts with

ew ends with

pr preset (has value)

gt greater than

ge greater than or equal to

lt less than

le less than or equal to

and Logical "and"

or Logical "or"

not "Not" function

() Precedence grouping

Example of complex request: GET:,userName&filter=NOT(name.familyName eq "Green")&sortBy=name.givenName&sortOrder=ascending&startIndex=2&count=5

Get user by ID


Retrieves a single user resource


    "schemas": [
    "id": "1",
    "userName": "",
    "name": {
        "familyName": "John",
        "givenName": "Doe"
    "active": true,
    "userType": "regular",
    "title": "CEO",
    "emails": [
            "value": "",
            "primary": true
    "meta": {
        "resourceType": "User",
        "location": ""

Create a new user


Creates a new user. Payload must include userName attribute populated with an email address, familyName, and givenName attribute.


All newly provisioned users are added with a default role.




    "schemas": [
    "id": "1",
    "meta": {
        "resourceType": "User",
        "location": ""
    "userName": "",
    "name": {
        "familyName": "John",
        "givenName": "Doe"
    "active": true,
    "emails": [
            "value": "",
            "primary": true

Replace user by ID


Updates an existing user resource. This is the easiest way to replace the user information.


    "schemas": [
    "id": "1",
    "meta": {
        "resourceType": "User",
        "location": ""
    "userName": "",
    "name": {
        "familyName": "Replace",
        "givenName": "Me"
    "active": true,
    "userType": "regular",
    "emails": [
            "value": "",
            "primary": true


    "schemas": [
    "id": "1",
    "meta": {
        "resourceType": "User",
        "location": ""
    "userName": "",
    "name": {
        "familyName": "Replace",
        "givenName": "Me"
    "active": true,
    "userType": "regular",
    "emails": [
            "value": "",
            "primary": true

Update user attribute by ID


Updates an existing user resource, overwriting values for specified attributes. Attributes that are not provided will remain unchanged. PATCH only updates the fields provided.

The body of a PATCH request must contain the attribute Operations, whose value is an array of one or more PATCH operations. Each PATCH operation object must have exactly one op member.

Request to deactivate user

  "schemas": [
  "Operations": [
      "op": "Replace",
      "path": "active",
      "value": false


    "schemas": [
    "id": "1",
    "meta": {
        "resourceType": "User",
        "location": ""
    "userName": "",
    "name": {
        "familyName": "John",
        "givenName": "Doe"
    "active": true,
    "userType": "regular",
    "emails": [
            "value": "",
            "primary": true

Request to rename user

  "schemas": [
  "Operations": [
      "op": "Replace",
      "path": "name.givenName",
      "value": "New Given Name"

Request to upgrade user license to regular

  "schemas": [
  "Operations": [
      "op": "Replace",
      "path": "userType",
      "value": "regular"

Request to update user email (userName)

    "schemas": [
    "Operations": [
            "op": "Replace",
            "path": "userName",
            "value": ""

Delete user by ID

DELETE: https://app.qase./scim/Users/1

Deletes a single user from the organization.


User removing restrictions

A user who is the workspace owner cannot be deleted. If you try to delete such user, the API returns a 409 error code.

Last updated