
How to add widgets?

To add widgets, press the "+Add widget" button.

Several widgets are available; in the modal window, they are broken down into two groups: "By Entity" and "By Type".

In the Entities group, you can find widgets related to each specific entity - there are widgets for test cases, test runs, test results, defects, requirements, and custom fields.

Type grouping collects different types of widgets:

  • Single Value: a single value chart shows a single value that represents the current state of the entity. This chart type answers the following question: “How many artifacts do we have at the moment?“.

  • Timed Value: a timed value chart shows a cumulative sum of events that happened to some entity. This chart answers the following question: “How many artifacts have been created this day/week/month?".

  • Distribution charts: this chart shows the current distribution of various test case properties or custom field values.

  • Time-series: a time-series chart shows changes for a specific entity type over a selected period of time.

Widgets description

Let's have a closer look at each of the widgets available:

Single value widget

  • Single value: Test cases count This widget shows the number of test cases you have in a project or projects at the moment and how it has increased or decreased over the specified time period.

  • Single value: Opened defects count

This widget shows the number of defects you have in a project or projects at the moment and how it has increased or decreased over the specified time period.

  • Single value: Active test runs count

This widget shows the number of active test runs you have in a project or projects at the moment and how it has increased or decreased over the specified time period.

  • Single value: Requirements count

This widget shows the number of requirements you have in a project or projects at the moment and how it has increased or decreased over the specified time period.

  • Single value: Suite count

This widget shows the number of suites you have in a project or projects at the moment and how it has increased or decreased over the specified time period.

  • Single value: Open review requests

This widget shows the number of open (unprocessed) review requests you have in a project or projects at the moment and how it has increased or decreased over the specified time period.

  • Single value: Test cases automation ratio

This widget shows the percentage of automated test cases you have in a project or projects at the moment and how it has increased or decreased over the specified time period. It is based on an "Automation status" property of test cases.

  • Single value: Flaky test cases count

This widget shows the number of flaky test cases you have in a project or projects at the moment and how it has increased or decreased over the specified time period. It is based on an "Is Flaky" property of test cases.

Note: You can select the benchmark time period in the widget settings for all single value widgets.

Timed value widget

  • Timed value: Test cases events

This widget shows the number of test cases that have been created, updated, or deleted in a project/projects over a specified period of time, and how this number has increased or decreased over a specified period of time.

  • Timed value: Defects events

This widget shows the number of defects that have been created, updated, or deleted in a project/projects over a specified period of time, and how this number has increased or decreased over a specified period of time.

  • Timed value: Test results events

This widget shows the number of specific test results that have been submitted during test runs in a project/projects over a specified period of time, and how this number has increased or decreased over a specified period of time.

  • Timed value: Test run events

This widget shows the number of test runs that have been created, completed, or aborted in a project/projects over a specified period of time, and how this number has increased or decreased over a specified period of time.

Note: The type of event (created/completed/aborted) and the time range can be selected in the widget settings for all timed value widgets.

Distribution chart widget

  • Distribution chart: Test case property distribution

This chart shows the distribution of test cases by one of their properties. It can be represented as either a donut graph or a bar graph. Available properties are status, type, behavior, priority, severity, automation, and layer.

  • Distribution chart: Custom field values distribution

This chart shows the distribution of test cases by one of its custom field values. It can be represented as either a donut graph or a bar graph. Supported custom field data types are select list (single/multi), radiobutton, and checkbox.

Time series widget

  • Time series: Test cases count

This graph shows the number of test cases as of the current day as well as how it has been changing over the specified period.

  • Time series: Test cases events

This graph shows the number of test case events (creation, updates, or deletions) as of the current day as well as how it has been changing over the specified period.

  • Time series: Test cases automation ratio

This graph shows how many automated test cases you have in a project or projects at the moment and how these numbers have been changing over time. It is based on an "Automation status" property of test cases.

  • Time series: Test cases automation velocity

This graph shows how quickly your test cases with a “To be automated” status have been automated and how these numbers have changed over time. It is based on an "Automation status" property and only applies to the automation statuses “To be automated” and “Automated.”

  • Time series: Flaky test cases count

This graph shows the number of flaky test cases and how these numbers have been changing over time. It is based on an "Is flaky" property of test cases.

  • Time series: Test results events

This graph shows the number of test results recorded (creation, updates, or deletions) as of the current day as well as how it has been changing over the specified period and which results were recorded.

Note: You can select the “Period” and “Dimension” in the widget settings for all time series widget type.

Last updated